Early Engineering Student Publications

The Crank, 1887-1891

Sibley Journal, 1892-1935

Cornell Engineer, 1935-1994

Early references to Engineering Library in Sibley Hall, 1888
References are from early engineering student journal The Crank. This and other issues can be seen online via Cornell Historical Monographs Collection, ebooks.library.cornell.edu/c/cdl

Lincoln Hall Library, 1890 (civil)

Sibley Engineering Library, 1938 (mechanical)
Additional libraries at the time were located in Franklin Hall (for electrical engineering) and Olin Hall (for chemical engineering).

Carpenter Hall & circulation desk

Engineering library reading room, including card catalog

Using the Engineering Library card catalog

Carpenter Hall takeover, 1972
125 anti-war demonstrators camped in library for 5 days:
April 26 –May 1, 1972
- Divest from Cornell Aeronautical Lab (begun
during WW2, Cornell had been trying to sell since
1968) - Conversion of CAL to non-defense research.
- End to ROTC at Cornell
- Cornell to help force Gulf Oil out of Angola in

Note graphing calculators on table and heavy use of paper.

Note clamshell Apple iBook, ca. 1999-2006.
Library at this point had 1,500 print journals and 150,000 books on site.

Physical collection, including reference collection consolidated with Uris Library and Library Annex in 2011.
- Laura Linke and Evan Earle, Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University
- The Crank, Sibley Journal of Engineering, Cornell Engineer and Cornell Alumni News
- Images courtesy of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University and Jill Powell, Engineering Library