KMODDL is the Kinematic Models for Design Digital Library developed at Cornell University. It includes open access, multimedia resources for learning and teaching about kinematics – the geometry of pure motion – and the history and theory of machines. The core of KMODDL is the Reuleaux Collection of Mechanisms and Machines, an important collection of 19th-century machine elements held by Cornell University’s Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Visual materials are available on the Cornell University Library Digital Collections portal.
Animated GIFs are also available for some models (canned search).
Historical books and documents related to KMODDL are located in the eCommons repository.
The original site released in 2003 has been archived and is made available via the WayBack Machine Archive-It service. (NOTE: not all resources or navigation are functional on this archived version of the KMODDL website.)
The KMODDL digital library was originally developed as a collaborative grant with the faculty of Cornell Engineering, the Cornell University Library, and several external partners as a collection in the National Science Digital Library. Comments and questions about using this resource can be sent via email to our staff.